Wiring Accessories Company U.K.

Manufacturer and distributor of industrial and commercial cable glands in and around UK. The WAC products are committed to ensure that it remains the first choice of the clients, consultants and the end users... Read More

Cable Gland

A cable gland (also known as a cable connector) is a device designed to attach and secure the end of a cable to the equipment. Cable glands may also be used for sealing cables passing through bulkheads or gland plates... Read More

Cable Lug

Cable lugs are devices used for connecting cables to electrical appliances, other cables, surfaces, or mechanisms. The clamps that connect wires to an automotive battery are a common example of a cable lug, as are the ends of battery jumper cables... Read More

Cable Cleat

When you need cleats that withstand the highest levels of short-circuit. The Emperor range offers the ultimate protection against the harshest conditions, and its unique design means it can be quickly installed... Read More

Cable Marking System

Cable Markers are individual push on characters used to indentify cables terminations (Small). This marker is very fast assembly, all marking information on a single sleeve; they are also designed with an expanding profile, enabling each marker to accommodate a full range of cables...Read More

Cable Ties

A cable tie (colloquially known as zip tie, zap strap, zip strip, wire tie, mouse belt, tie wrap, quick draw, or rat belt) is a type of fastener, especially for binding several electronic cables or wires together, and to organize cables and wires... Read More

